Question From Chapter 1

Bissinger notes that the tradition of Odessa’s Permian Panthers “was enshrined on a wall of the field house” (p24) and also “in the county library, where the 235-page history that had been written about Permian football was more detailed than any of the histories about the town itself.”

What conclusions concerning Odessa might be drawn from the fact that its high-school football program is valued more highly than the town’s history?

What value does your community place on high school sports?

Half Way Point!

So I’ve had a thoroughly enjoyable time facilitating our online learning over the past couple weeks! We have 18 people participating in an online class and their thoughts, reflections and interactions have been excellent! I love the level of deep thought and transparency as they wrestle with the text and media. I am extremely curious to know how this has affected their participation in corporate worship over the past two weeks as they have been working through different aspects of ‘thinking’ rightly about the nature of God and who He is… I am assuming this has made an impact on ‘how’ they worship when we gather…

So I’m interested in hearing more about this in the last 3 weeks of the class!

All that to say, well done thus far! Keep pressing in!